
Some days I can't stop thinking about you , I want you more. Some nights Your thoughts crosses my mind as if it's about to explode. Some nights I see our pictures and live the moment again in my mind. I wanna stare at you until my heart fills I like your hands The way you care for me , You make me laugh , I can't ever ask for anything more but I do. See, Ami amr manush theke e expectations rakhbo Tai na. What if I told you that I choose you in every universe? Would you be mine then? I wanna forget every other thing in this universe just that I can be with you, Is it okay.? I was thinking the other day that on Eid I'll be on video call with you and make sure you meet my siblings atleast. They should know their sister in law. I'm not saying how much I care for you because I'm not doing it enough. It feels Good knowing you , Having my moments with you. I'm lucky 🌸. I miss you, Sunflower🌼🌻. (Mine) . Always mine , Eita shobshomoi moneh rakhba je....